Scripting UGC

with the help of AI

Hey friends!

Let’s get right into it—AI. I’m pretty sure your Twitter (ugh, I mean X) feeds are like mine and you can’t scroll for more than 30 seconds without seeing someone tweet about AI and all the possibilities. There are entire accounts and newsletters dedicated to the topic, but that’s not what this is.

Instead I’m going to show you how to speed up your brand research and scripting using specific prompts on ChatGPT. Some UGC creators love scripting, but for others it is a dreaded step in the creative process. And for new creators, it can seem daunting.

The templates below are meant to focus your ChatGPT prompts and streamline the beginning stages of the creative process. These don’t guarantee the perfect scripts, but they can get you more than halfway to the finish line. This means you will still have to finesse the script to your authentic voice.

To be transparent & honest, I did not come up with all of these prompts from scratch. I follow a lot of great creative directors, agency heads, and creative strategists who tweet out these tips. A few of these have been tweaked to the point that they’re unrecognizable from the original inspo, but some are the exact prompts and I’m going to include the twitter handle for credit and so you can follow them for more great insight.

ChatGPT Prompts Process 1:

Brand Research

Use real brand reviews to gain more insight and also provide ChatGPT with more background to eventually provide a script. Collect customer reviews and use the following prompt:

I’m going to give you reviews for ________ brand for this specific product __________. For reference, here is the product: (paste URL)

The product is (give a quick product description).

Here are the reviews for the product above:

(input 15+ real reviews)

Now I need you to answer some questions. Please provide 3-4 points per questions.

  1. Why do people purchase this product?

  2. What are the products unique selling points?

  3. What pain points does this product address?

  4. What other solutions have customers used to try and solve these paint point?

  5. What made them purchase the product?

  6. What made them hesitant at first to purchase the product?

  7. What results were the customers most satisfied with?

Generating Hooks

These next 3 prompts are from Alex Cooper of Adcrate, posted to his Twitter. I usually add a little more detail about customer avatar, but wanted to share the exact versions here because he is a pro:

You are a expert direct response advertiser, specializing in marketing on social media. Given all of the information above, come up with 10 hooks for a facebook ad about ________ (product)

The goal of this hook is not to sell the product—it’s to grab attention and tell a story. People are not on their feed to watch ads, so we must say something that speaks DIRECTLY to the target audience. You can do this by referring to the information about my product and customer that I’ve given you already from the reviews. You can phrase hooks in many different ways: 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, questions, statements. The hook should read to be no longer than 4 seconds. It can be shorter.

Give me 5 more but focus more on solving the problem.

Generating a Script

Now that you have collected the information above, you can use the following prompt to generate a script:

You are a expert direct response advertiser, specializing in advertising on social media. Gives all of the information above, come up with a 15-20 second script for a facebook video ad about _______________. The script should be written from a _______________ perspective.

The goal of this video is not just to sell the product—it’s to solve a problem and tell a story. People are not on their feed to watch ads, so we must say something that speaks DIRECTLY to the target audience. You can do this by referring to the information about my product and customer that I’ve given you already. You can phrase the script in many different ways, but it should be more story telling and testimonial, not direct response. The script should read to be no longer than 30 seconds. It can be shorter.

Remember, these scripts will be shot by creators on their iPhones. While you can (and should) propose a more ambitious script, remember that we do not have big budget production crews or special effects available to us.

ChatGPT Prompts Process 2:

Step 1: find ads that are high-performing. If you don’t have access to ad-spying software, go through TikTok top ads and browse Twitter. Follow other creative directors and agencies, they share their top performers all the time.

Step 2: put those top ads into transcription software. I use Descript, but there are others too.

Step 3: Use the following prompt in chatGPT (again, credit to Alex Cooper)

These are some successful direct response ad scripts for E-commerce brands:

(add scripts here)

I’m going to tell you about my product, then I’d like you to rewrite the script in the context of my product, okay?

(Brand & product summary)


  • ChatGPT is a great tool to help creators scale their business & take on more work

  • Using specific prompts will improve your scripts by giving ChatGPT the proper input

  • You’ll still need to make some edits to your script to give it an authentic touch

  • If you plan to become a creative strategist, you’ll need to know how to use ChatGPT

Thanks for making it this far! As always, I super appreciate the support and would love if you could share this free newsletter to your social channels!

New Creator Course:

Week 5, Lesson 1:

You have your portfolio, you’re pitching, you’re accepting gifted collaborations—now what?


Just kidding—-thats a different newsletter. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big believer in positive thinking. But here we are about putting in the time and maintaining momentum through ACTION.

I don’t have one specific lesson this week, but instead a list of tips and insight that helped me when I was in the early stages of my UGC journey:

  • Make an intro video and pin it to the top of all your socials. On Twitter, make sure to include your email & website.

  • Post examples as often as you can and use hashtags the brands in the same niche use, along with #ugc #ugccreator

    • Start small and commit to posting 3x a week. If you have to, post the same videos and rotate them.

  • Give extra content to brands & agencies you enjoy working with. This is the way to gain return clients and word-of-mouth referrals.

  • There will be a time to upsell, but in the beginning focus on relationship building

  • Accept collaborations below your rate if you feel like they align with your values and there is room to grow a partnership

    • BUT just know, the brands that usually say “possibility of retainer ” are the ones that almost never lead to a retainer.

  • To make more per video you MUST get better at Direct response marketing AKA paid ads

  • Respond to as many “UGC creator needed” tweets as you can. Even if there are 100+ responses. Other agencies & brands find creators from those tweets because all the portfolios are right there to view. It’s like dropping a business card.

  • No one needs to know you’re a beginner, you’re a pro at social media! Ask yourself when you made your first social media profile?—thats how long you’ve been doing this if anyone asks.

  • Accept that your friends and maybe even family won’t get what you’re doing. The traditional career mindset has been ingrained in us, and they assume anything outside of the norm is scam

Need more help? Schedule a 1:1 call or start my mentorship program! ⬇️


I’m starting a UGC Creator Focus Hour on Fridays (or whatever day works best for the group).

What is a focus hour? It’s when creators, freelancers, those who WFH get on zoom or google meet to help each other focus by being on screen. Basically you’re peer pressured into an hour of deep work 😂. Also this job can get lonely, and it is nice to interact with others who do the same job.

We’ll have 10-15min of saying hi (only if you want), and then we get to work. If you’re interested, respond to this tweet and I’ll add you to the Twitter chat. This is a mom-friendly group—no worries if your little ones jump on screen or pull you away.

If you enjoyed reading this, please share the referral link below ⬇️ or give a shout-out on social media 🙏🏼

<3, Grace


or to participate.